Can You Get Braces While Pregnant?

a smiling woman holding her pregnancy bump

If you’re expecting, there may be lots you’re considering with the arrival of a newborn baby. Perhaps receiving orthodontic treatment might be something that has crossed your mind recently.

Typically when pregnant, you’re advised against doing a few things and are told to be cautious.

However, one thing you aren’t restricted from doing is receiving orthodontic treatment.

In this blog, we discuss whether receiving orthodontic treatment is safe, and give our expert advice about wearing braces whilst pregnant.

Is Getting Braces Safe Whilst Being Pregnant?

Overall, getting braces won’t impact your pregnancy. They are completely safe for both you and your baby. Regardless of pregnancy, the condition of your teeth determines whether you require orthodontic treatment.

However, we do advise that you have X-rays taken of your teeth before your pregnancy. Even the smallest exposure to radiation is best to avoid. If it is necessary to have an X-ray while you are pregnant, orthodontists do have protective devices to cover your abdominals to ensure your baby is not exposed to any X-ray imaging.

Before your treatment, you should discuss with your orthodontist if you have any dental issues that could affect you during your pregnancy. If you have any concerns, you should always visit your orthodontist to check these issues on a regular basis.

Why It’s Worth Getting Braces While Pregnant?

Getting braces when pregnant is a good opportunity for practical reasons. It allows you to attend your regular orthodontic appointments without having to bring your newborn baby with you.

Plus, now is a good time to receive orthodontic treatment especially as your teeth have a tendency to move due to fluctuations of hormones that occur during pregnancy.

Things To Be Aware of When Wearing Braces As A Pregnant Patient

When getting braces as a pregnant patient, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects that may occur. There are 3 main side effects pregnant patients should be aware of:

Increased gum inflammation

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can increase your risk of swollen gums and irritation between the gums and braces.

Due to the increase in estrogen and progesterone levels during pregnancy, gingival tissue can be inflamed in pregnant women. This means that gums become extra sensitive to normal amounts of plaque and calculus during pregnancy compared to the same amount of gingivitis in non-pregnant people.

If a proper oral hygiene routine is not established and inflammation persists, gum health can worsen and can lead to gum disease

Before getting your braces, it’s best to have an orthodontist appointment to check if you have any periodontal conditions.

Morning sickness

A common yet unfortunate side effect that women experience during early pregnancy is morning sickness. When this occurs your teeth are exposed to the powerful acid from your stomach bile which can cause acid erosion of your teeth. Essentially, this causes the thinning of teeth and can destroy the metal from which braces are made of.

Tooth decay

During pregnancy, dry mouth is a common side effect that occurs. This happens when women have a decreased amount of protective saliva, which helps neutralise acid decay.

Tips To Look After Your Teeth While Being Pregnant

Despite these side effects, you can safely have braces whilst looking after your teeth and your baby. Here are some tips to help you minimise the side effects that affect you during pregnancy:

  • Brushing and Flossing Your Teeth Regularly. Having a good oral hygiene routine will be beneficial in order to achieve great oral health. Having a rigorous oral hygiene routine that includes brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day and flossing once a day can prevent the effects of pregnancy gingivitis and removing plaque.
  • Avoid Damaging Foods. Even though you’re eating for two people, be mindful to avoid foods that damage braces such as popcorn, sweets and crisps. It’s better to opt for nutritious foods that keep you and your baby healthy!
  • Be Cautious of Heightened Sensitivity. We do advise that you are cautious when getting braces as a pregnant patient. The heightened sensitivity that occurs around your teeth when wearing braces whilst pregnant can make it more uncomfortable for you to wear braces than normal. Therefore, painkillers are your best friend when it comes to minimising pain.

Orthodontic Treatment to Consider During Pregnancy

Before undergoing any orthodontic treatment, your orthodontist will talk to you about a variety of available treatments and alternatives to braces. Here are some effective orthodontic treatments to consider during your pregnancy.

Invisalign Treatment

While it takes 9 months to have a baby, in that time, it can take up to 5 – 9 months to get straight teeth with Invisalign treatment. That means you can achieve perfectly aligned teeth even before your newborn arrives.

Invisalign is becoming a popular treatment amongst many pregnant patients. They are a fantastic option to consider as they are a discreet way of straightening teeth and are made from high-quality, clear plastic aligners.

Lingual and incognito braces

Lingual Braces are another great and discreet orthodontic treatment to consider during pregnancy. These braces are placed on the back of your teeth and do not require any metal wires.

At Hampstead Orthodontic Practice, Incognito braces are a specific type of lingual braces which can offer quicker results when straightening teeth compared to traditional braces.

How We Can Help

With effective orthodontic treatment available to choose from, you can mark the arrival of your newborn with your perfectly aligned teeth.

If you’re considering receiving orthodontic treatment during your pregnancy, why not get in touch with our team of orthodontic experts and book a free consultation with us today? Or alternatively, call us on 020 3733 4187.

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